Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Great things happening

I am having the best time with some of the lessons my students are working on.  I am exhausted in the evening but the kids are creating some really beautiful work.  My kindergarten classes are doing The Artist that Painted a Blue Horse, by Eric Carle and are learning about the artwork of Franz Marc.  After reading the story the kids are using cut outs to trace with onto their paper.  I would let them create their own animal but I want them to work large and get a little more proficient with materials first.  They are having a blast!  The animals all end of looking like the polka-dotted donkey at the end of the story, but they really enjoy getting to use the paint.

First graders are drawing the Statue of Liberty.  We look at LOTS of views of her on Google Maps.  They kids get the best sense of what an island is and how she really looks.  Plus, there are even pictures of the interior, so they feel like they get to go inside and look around.  This is the conclusion to our trip around the world.

Second graders are using the chalk pastels to draw a hot air balloon picture.  We refocused on perspective and depth.  I also reviewed how to blend colors together. Today's class did such a beautiful job with the grass that I must remember to show other groups exactly what I showed them.

Third graders are creating the COOLEST mask.  They are learning all about the Egyptian pharaohs and different symbols and their meanings.  I love how they are turning out so far.  Will post pictures next rotation when the kids are finished.

Fourth graders are glazing their face jugs and starting the falling for foreshortening project.  Here are some pictures of their work.

Fifth graders are creating  pinch pot bowls.  We are in the early stages.  They will melt glass chips in the interior to create another layer to the inside of their bowls.  Here are some pictures of some of their work as it is drying.


  1. Are these face pots the minis.. An old student of yours brought his to me this past week to show me. He said his was your favorite last year. cute.

  2. They are. We just fired and are glazing now. The kids did a great job and if you teach this lesson to the 4th graders there is a GREAT PBS video you can show to accompany it.
