Friday, April 15, 2011

Hooray today is the last day....until we come back.

So thankful that I made it!  Once we get back there will be a feeling of winding down and finishing up.  We will prepare for End of Grade Tests and finishing things.  I was wondering how many people are already preparing for the end of the year/ beginning of next year.  I am beginning to think about organizing for next year and also getting supplies.  I have watched my paper supply dwindle-which is great because it means great art was created this year, but also nervous about having enough to last to the end and getting started next year.  Our school has over 1000 kids so a ream of 500 sheets can go really fast!  To help get by I resort to "dumpster diving"! I got this idea from another teacher in the area.   At the end of the year, I put the word out to my fellow teachers that whatever materials they have leftover that they would normally throw out,  to please send my way.  Unbroken crayons-even if they are a little used, yellow number 2 pencils, erasers, glue, markers, colored pencils, and even construction paper.  Most of the time kids bring brand new stuff in for next year.  I have managed to go without buying these staple items for 4 years.  It has definitely helped to stretch my art budget and plus it still gets used for the school.  If you have tricks you use, feel free to share them.

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