Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Oh Early Dismissal Day-I love you!

Today is a district Early Dismissal Day, which means the kids leave early (a couple of hours) and they send teachers here, there and everywhere for meetings.  Often times, if there is no scheduled art meeting for all of the county teachers, we have to sit in staff development meetings with the classroom teachers at our schools.
Today, however, is the kind of day where the heavens open up and shine down on little art teachers like me!  I was told our county meeting was canceled.  OK-bummer.  So I asked out principal what was going on and let her know the meeting was canceled.  She smiled and said teachers were getting to work in their classrooms and get grades in.  HOORAY!  Two hours to sit in a quiet classroom, restock materials, enter grades and make lesson plans for the next few weeks.

Oh glorious day!  

It is like when your husband takes the kiddo out for the day and you get to clean house and watch Fixer Upper marathons while you fold clothes.  You are still getting work done but without sweet boy wanting to play trains and watch Curious George.

The weather is so nice-I might just write my plans outside today.  
This is actually from this past weekend-it just showed me enjoying the sunshine.


  1. Great little elevated planter. Glad you could have a nice break. I Love Fixer Upper! They are the cutest couple and it's fun to see the transformations.

    1. Thanks! It used to be my son's sand table, but we repurposed it when we moved and he got a real sandbox.
